Itinerant Visitor Offerings

These offerings are for all you dirt baggers out there travelling around in your cars and trying to keep your costs low. But sometimes you just need something a little more official with a little more piece of mind than some back road somewhere. Also, internet is good.

No Short Stays in August. Sorry!

Lounge Passes

Back Lot Uses

Main Hall Bookings

If it is your first time using the space, you will need to do an orienatation prior to use. Book first and we will be in contact with you. These bookings are NOT included in your overnight camping fee or lounge use and you must add them on if you want access.

Digital Nomad Private Office- Wellness Office

You can book the Wellness Office if you need a private place to be a digital nomad and have work meetings or use our massage table. Suggested $5-10/hr.

Shower and Laundry Facilities- Main Hall

You may use the shower and Laundry in the Main Hall, but you must first RESERVE the main hall for the entire time you will be doing your laundry and showers and you must leave the place cleaner than you found it. Suggested price is $2 per wash load, $2 per dry load, $3 per shower.

Yoga/Stretching/ Indoor Hangout Space- Main Hall

Suggested $10-20/hr