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Herbal Care for the Nervous System

Herbal medicines have been used throughout human history to support our well-being, and are a valuable tool to have in our pockets for times of stress and high-emotions, as well as for every day use to keep our systems strong, balanced, and resilient to future events.

This is an educational opportunity to dive into the world of herbal medicine in regards to the nervous system – however, all body systems overlap so this will be a broad topic.
Some things you can expect to learn in our time together:
~What are nervines and how do they work?
~What are different types of nervines, and when should I choose them?
~What are the different types of herbal preparations, and when would I choose them? (Teas, tinctures, topical preparations, etc.)
~Which herbs would be best for me to avoid? (Pregnancy, medication interactions, etc.)
~Identification, uses, and preparation instructions for 10+ different herbs!

The second half of class will be a hands-on workshop making herbal remedies to take home. We will make an herbal tea blend and a tincture formula.

Please Pre-register. Workshop cost is $75, and includes all materials for take-home remedies, educational handout, tea, and light snack.
I will keep the space open for 30 minutes after class for questions and socializing. There will also be a pop-up shop of Bearfoot Botanicals herbal products at 15% off for all workshop attendees.

Looking forward to sharing this time with you all!
@bearfootbotanicals on IG

November 29

Family Thanksgiving

December 12

White Salmon Library Learn and Play